You Have No Idea…
Have you ever been hungry?
And no, I’m not talking about “Upper UC, Lower UC, and Rathbone never has anything I want to eat!” type of hungry.
I’m talking about real starvation,
the kind of hunger that leads to emaciation
like the situation of Venecia Louis,
a young Haitian who little body weighs less than half of what it should be
the images of her living skeleton were so nauseating that I couldn’t eat my dinner…and neither could she, even if she tried
she’s so skinny that she looks like she’s about to die
but this little girl isn’t suffering from an incurable disease or an eating disorder
No. This is girl is dying because her world has no order,
Do you know what its like to suffer from severe malnutrition?
And no I’m not talking an increase in college tuition so that you can no longer afford the Carte Blanche meal plan
I’m talking about the kind of malnutrition you get when your mother is forced to give away most of your food to starving neighbors so that they don’t murder you and your entire family out of jealousy that you get to eat.
Yes, it really is that deep.
You might think you know, but you have no idea…
What it feels like to be a child in Haiti living every second in fear
To cry out, but to be too dehydrated to shed tears
To eat mudpies, yes mudpies, to calm your craving stomach’s cries.
You have no idea…
What its like to live in one of the poorest nations in the world
How it feels to be tortured, raped, and brutalized
To feel the wounds from being politically, economically, and socially crucified
To see your world full apart all around you and all you can do scream is WHY? WHY? WHY?
Even I thought I knew about the deprivation in Haiti…but I had no idea.