Hey Theatre 196 and my other homies : )
It's about that TIME. Time for what, you may ask? Or WTF is Tara talking about?!
But seriously, it's about time that you all start looking for some Hip Hop Theatre shows to see. It's better not to wait until the last minute or else you might miss out. Not to mention that it's a requirement and a sizable portion of your grades mannn. Check the syllabus!
Kashi sent this to me in an e-mail:
Lehigh's Theater Dept. Presents Hip Hop Musical during Black History Month...more information to come about this soon. I don't have the details yet, but they'll come soon (remind me if I forget please? Thank you).
But check out this link for Lehigh's events during Black History Month (I hope you all know that that's in February lol).
Also, here's the link for the Hip Hop Theatre Festival that your beloved professor mentioned in class.
I'm not too sure if they are having any upcoming shows. I'm pretty sure the festival for this year was last fall. I will try to help you all out with opportunites for shows when I find/hear about them, but it's also your responsibility to look it up too (especially now that everyone knows what type of shows qualify as Hip Hop Theatre after last Thursday's lecture).
If you forgot, check wikipedia. Yes, wikipedia knows everything haha.
Anyway, I was researching Hip Hop Theatre and found that we are not ALONE! There are other Hip Hop Theatre classes at UNCC and some other institutions that have Hip Hop Theatre courses. I think that's an amazing thing though, because that art of Hip Hop Theatre is so beautiful!
Okay, I'm done for now. It's Friday night and I'm sooo not having fun. I'm bored so I'm about to rant lol. So if you want you can stop reading now. All official class business was handled haha.
Ahhhh.... I'm slightly homesick and missing NYC. I'm hungry and sick of damn Upper and Lower UC. Too lazy to go to Rathbone and I don't even want the food there. Wendy's? Nah, I need to start eating a little bit healthier. McDonalds? Even worst than Wendys. Chinese food? Not feelin' it. My throat is starting to hurt so I probably won't even enjoy the food anyway. I have so much to do for law school apps. So many things to do for my extracurrilars too. Sooo much schoolwork to do. Probably have a test next week. Not to mention drama drama drama in my personal life. No Friday night plans. Damn Lehigh??? When do I get a break?
Wow. I feel better now. hahaha
I hope yall didn't read that.
Despite all the b.s., I'm just gonna smile. Life is too short to stress.

Peace. Enjoy your weekend!
Lol, yep i read it ALL and i'm sitting here on a Friday night feeling the EXACT same way, lol more time to write lol, so it's not in too much vain i guess.